Sacred Groves

An International Project June 25, 2022

"A Day for Mother Earth and All That Is"

Let us revive our Sacred Sites


The Sacred Grove Gate

Picture &Copyright: unknown Artist Source: Internet

Peace to the First Nations and Indigenous People

In a matter of greatest importance for our Mother Earth we are calling you respectfully to kindly listen to our appeal for your spiritual support.

We are: Joachim Koch, a surgeon ret., born in 1949, from Berlin and more than 200+ individuals in other parts of Germany. We are neither politically nor religiously organized nor members of any organization or group of any kind. We are completely independent, acting as a grassroots effort, thus dedicated since decades to the healing of Mother Earth and the Winged Ones, the Swimmers, the Four Legged Ones and the Two Legged Ones. From time to time we come together from all directions of the wind to celebrate an important ceremony. It is urgent that we do this again this year. So we will organize a powerful peace and healing ceremony on June 25, 2022, named "Sacred Groves" ("Heilige Haine" in German).

I might remind you that twenty years ago in 2002 and again in 2004, we asked the First Nations and Indigenous People for spiritual support for the first time. Some of you accepted our plea and answered our initial email. Among those who answered so greatly were:

  • J.C.High Eagle, Osage/Cherokee Nation
  • Motherquail Becky Jones
  • Gregg J. Bourland, Tribal Chairman Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
  • Calvin J.Standing Bear,Oglala/Sucangu Lakota from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation of South Dakota
  • Paul Pommier,Elder Barbareno Chumash
  • Long Standing Bear,Chief of the Blackfoot Nation
  • Tony Cerda, Tribal Chairman Ohlone Bear Clan Elder
  • Jolene Schonchin, Public Information Officer Comanche Nation
  • Damon Gerard Corrie, Hereditary Chief and Traditional Spiritual Leader of the 900 member Eagle Clan Arawaks of Guyana
  • Karenne Wood, Program Director, Monacan Indian Nation
  • Kay Colbert-Hall, Chickasaw Nation
  • Deb Bowman, Adm. Asst.,Menominee Treaty Rights/Mining Impacts Office
  • Jane McAtty, Nez Perce Tribe
  • Ernesto Scott Lockwood,las Naciones Nativas, la Moskitia en Nicaragua
  • Eddie Benton-Banaise, Grand Chief, the Three Fires Midewiwin Society

You may have a look here for the encouraging words they wrote.

Yes, we are White Men from Europe and yes, we are well aware what happened to Native Nations in the past and what is happening to you in the present. We know that many of you are profoundly suspicious of everything we do think and moreover say. Be assured that we are saddened about this. Be assured that we are different from our countrymen who once invaded and committed crimes on Turtle Island and everywhere else.

While we come to you now with deep respect to ask for your support, please see us standing upright in front of you to express our honesty because we have learned from the past and would like to do much better than many of our European ancestors in the past 5 centuries had done.

With you, we share the same planet, our Mother Earth. With you, we share the same concern for her. With you, we are crying the same tears seeing her on her Wounded Knees because of so much abuse and violation.

Asking you for forgiveness is maybe far too late if not impossible. Asking for making a new start is possible.

For ourselves, as a principle of human existence, we declare, that there is land for everyone here on this planet. Robbing someone of their land was a crime in the past, is a crime in the present, and will always be a crime. To our view, it is profoundly wrong to say that humans should make the Earth a 'subject'. We cannot subject our own Mother.

We condemn genocide and keeping people in ghettos or reservations. We respect the holy ground where the ancestors are buried. We, the White Men and Women of 2022 over here, have learned again to listen to the wind, to the sound of the woods of and to the songs of the birds in the skies. We are all the same children of the same violated and therefore moreover beloved Mother Earth.

We estimate the Native Nations as most important caretakers of this Planet. In many regions people in the past were living in harmony and balance with their land. Balance is a cosmic principle. Today, there is more imbalance than ever before within the whole planetary sphere. The time has come to help to bring a change about. We kindly ask you to help to achieve this.

We let you know that we do respect your Holy Ceremonies. We have read the statement of Chief Arvol Looking Horse, 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, given on March 9, 2003. I understand his intent and responsibility. I am also aware of the very many comments to his decision I have read here.

We know where you stand and you should know where we stand.

We stand for freedom, peace, and we stand for the joy of taking a deep breath of fresh, clean and non-empoisoned air. It is the same air we share with the birds which are hovering high above and watching us as we follow our paths. And it is the same air as one part of the atmosphere with which our Mother Earth is wrapping us, is nourishing us, is sheltering us to keep us alive. We stand for the purity of the water, the true essence of our physical existence. We have understood that water is more than a nourishing chemical compound. Water is alive, water has memory. Water is within us, around us, above and below us.

You should know that our very old ancestors here in the heart of Europe were also Indigenous People and we are, in parts, their descendants. Once they lived in the vast European forests, in the valleys and on the mountain heights. They lived in harmony with nature, took only what they needed to live, did not exploit, and had their sacred places on the shores of lakes and rivers, in sacred groves and on the tops of mountains. They lived here just like the First Nations on Turtle Island once did. 1500 years ago, our ancestors here in Central Europe experienced nearly the same cruel fate like the First Nations suffered since the Europeans came to the Americas. Our ancestors once lived in freedom, struggled only with their neighbors. Then the Romans came and with them their collaborators. With them, the so-called "Christianization" begun, but in fact it was suppression, genocide and massive violation, the end of freedom.

From these times derived the wrong development of our so-called "Western Societies" with higher and lower classes, so-called "noblemen", kings, emperors who always were pushed and ruled by the christian churches, the priests and popes. This wrong development of European states with their wrong thinking and wrong living leaders who in the beginning even sold "their subjects" to the British to fight in America against the rebellious colonies, are primarily responsible for the genocide of the First Nations in America. Of course, the flood of European settlers, among them thousands of Germans, played a major role during the war against the First Nations. During the time of colonialism the Indiginous Peoples in the rest of the world had to suffer in a similar way. And up to today, these forces with their wrong thinking have not come to rest.

With respect to that we all might call us brothers and sisters in destiny.

Therefore, we are deeply concerned about the actual state of destruction of the health of our Mother Earth. We are profoundly alerted by the behavior of certain humans, not only but also on Turtle Island, who are following only their interests and do care little for those of the peace loving majority of human spirits on this planet and for the well-being of the planet herself.

We are calling you, the First Nations and Indigenous to make a new start between you and us. Our Mother Earth calls us to bring about the change into a new and balanced world -together and not against each other.

If we would stand in front of each other and we could look straight into our eyes, you would recognize that not all White Men and Women of nowadays are the same. You might recognize it because behind us there are many, many peace-loving and good willing individuals from all continents with deepest respect for you, with understanding for you, with passion for you and who want to march together with you into a better future. We cannot turn back the great wheel of time, we cannot undo the tears that have been cried, but we can learn and we can do better. We ourselves will do better.

Here is our hand --. Together, let us be like the bright sunlight that shines away the dark fog on this planet. It is time for us all to stand up spiritually because the time of the positive spirit has come. Spirit affects the physical because spirit is mightier than the physical. This is our way.

So let's be powerful, let's be clever and let us be united.

When you look around, you know that we all are challenged to release our mightiest positive spiritual powers to help our Mother Earth. We, as her children, are challenged to declare again our responsibility for her. Remember our common first steps on July 24th, 2002 and in 2004, when many spirits on your side and on our side have been united in that day and night at the same time on their very sacred sites everywhere one time around the globe.

Now please let us all together perform this again, let us renew and confirm what we had started on that very day in 2002. Let us do another step on June 25, 2022, from 2 pm to 3 pm (UT) or 2pm to 3pm your local time. Be with us on that day and night with one of your own powerful ceremonies, it is so easy to achieve and so important to do. We here in Germany will be at our most sacred sites like stone circles, hills and near holy trees, wells and lakes to release there the most positive power of both the spirit and the very place in a peaceful effort. Let us open the gates to our ancestors, let us sing, drum and dance or sit quiet and let's raise the four winds.

We would like to link up to others at the same hour who are encouraged do the same in their holy locations to form a mighty band of positive energy one time around the planet - just like a child puts his arms around the beloved mother to shelter her.

Please let our words reach you. Maybe you like to talk to your Elders, Chiefs, Nation Governments, Tribal Administrators and Wise Men and Women about it before you discard this letter.

See us as if standing in front of you, stretching out our hand to reach yours if you would give it to us to march the long way together into a better future. Once you have considered what we have written above and you feel that you might agree with at least parts of it, please respond.

More information will be provided at:

Please respond in peace.

Joachim Koch

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Sacred Groves 2022

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